Friday 26 April 2019

Major - Lost Boy - Frame Renders

I have been rendering frames for each shot for Lost Boy as I go
 Shot 1: Frame
Shot 2: Frame 511
 Shot 3: Frame 510
 Shot 4: Frame 529
 Shot 5: Frame 596
 Shot 6: Frame 629
 Shot 6: Frame 709
 Shot 6: Frame 716
Shot 7: Frame 863


  1. Loving the renders! Just a thought - one thing that sticks out to me is the black and the red, they give off shadows and I think it would make more sense if they didn't since they're a metaphor for anxiety which isn't a tangible solid object. Also it would add to the idea that no one can see this but you, the shadow makes me think if someone was in that scene with you that they would see it too?

    1. Hi Paris thanks for the input!, I have the shadows turned off for the Red ball of energy I think something else is giving off shadows in the scene, I do think it could look better without the shadows for the shoelaces I'll give that a whirl :)
