Wednesday 28 November 2018

Minor: Lost Boy - Present Graeme Body Model Update

The majority of present Graeme is modelled, just a few tweaks to his hair and hands and he should be good to go.


  1. Hi Graeme - We're going to have to do something about those images. They're not doing to model justice. Are you screen capturing them? Why not quickly set up some lights and rendering it?

    1. Hi Alan I agree, I did some renders they look so much better now! :) do you think is it better to have the renders be black or white to represent the white space of my film?

    2. I think off white/grey so you can see the white on the shoes, it's bit hard to see the black on the shoes at the moment

    3. Hi Paris, thanks for the feedback :) I did have a whirl of the grey but wasn't feeling it, I have put on off white colour on it so I think that works better :)
