Thursday 29 November 2018

Minor: Lost Boy - Present Graeme - Render tests

Alan helped me with the material of present Graeme so that the renders will do justice to the model as I previously I had just lamberts on him before. Alan showed me that Lambert's just absorb all of the light, whereas an AI standard has more control, I am really liking the way that the material looks, I think he kind of looks like claymation which I like, there is so much more depth to the colour now and it makes it feel more vivid.


  1. Wow! I love your model, it's looking so awesome! The bright blue looks so cool and makes the whole character pop! :D

  2. These renders are so much better Graeme! A lesson for the future perhaps? As I said to you, loads of effort and quality hidden beneath a thin layer of corner cutting. 100's of hours and then not bothering with a 5 minute task. Why do that to yourself? Also...Cutting corners = no comments, doing it right = lots of nice comments. Perfect!

    1. Thanks a million for the Advice Alan! definitively learned something from this, no more cutting corners! :)
