Sunday 7 October 2018

Lost Boy: The Art Room - Renders

These renders were used done using the majority of alpha channels in my last post to get the feel of the original art room concept art, I still need to play around with getting a depth of field pass to show some atmospheric perspective, I did create some bleached out colour passes with a white wash to give the illusion of atmosphere perspective but I wasn't feeling the way that they looked, I will do some more tests with this.


  1. These are looking exciting, Graeme - for me, in light of your 'artisan' hand-drawn feel, I'd look at softening all of those crisp edges that sort of 'shout' CGI and have a sort of 'unfriendly' vibe - In terms of Mrs Pratt's art room, I think that 'analogue' aesthetic is important - what do you think?

  2. Hi Phil, thanks for the feedback. You're right, I do think things could be softened to feel more friendly, I'll look into doing more tests on how to achieve this :)
