Concerns what we should or ought to do and our evaluations of things or states of affairs
Binary opposition
A binary opposition is a pair of related terms or concepts that are opposite in meaning.
examples include-
The tendency to dissolve binary categories and expose their arbitrary cultural co-dependency is associated with postmodernism.
To “deconstruct” is not the same as to destroy. Deconstruction attempts to undo logical contradictions, to overturn rigid conceptual oppositions while releasing new concepts and meanings that could not be included in the old system.
Différance is an attempt to conjoin the differing and deferring aspects involved in arche-writing (an original form of language which is not derived from speech) in a term that itself plays upon the distinction between the audible and the written.
Derrida finds the opposition between “speech” and “writing.” This binary logic functions in an illicit way to establish speech as the means of giving “presence” to the world, while writing is deemed derivative and inferior.
Establish or rename in a new and especially stronger form or context.
Cognitive dissonance
Having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially relating to behavioural decisions and attitude change.