Tuesday 7 May 2019

Major: Lost Boy - Animation Progress #6

I have been animating with Young Graeme and have completed the airport scene and the classroom, I am now animating with Mrs Pratt and all three characters in the Art Room. Thanks to Emily Clarkson for breaking down how they achieved those nice fire effecst in the Marcus and the pudding pans for the Fishermans cottage I was able to replicate the effect for the rocket which added some choppy flames which I wanted, I decided to try the same effect with the lost Boy art that Young Graeme is drawing and use the blendshapes to crumple the paper up into a ball along with the animating paint splats on the ground - the blendshapes method worked like a charm for both I found myself really enjoying getting into modelling again as it feels like a while since I have done any so I wanted to really get into the characters heads by modelling little random bric a brac such as Young Graeme's art supples and Present Graemes airport items I have ideas for more such as a Nokia brick phone for Present Graeme and a school bag that is left by Young Graeme's table but I will return to that at a later date as animating is my main focus.

Lost Boy: Animation Progress 6 from Graeme Daly on Vimeo.
paint bottle painted texture
 School Table Painted Texture
 Pencil Case Painted Texture

 Flame BlendShapes
 Flame Shape Editor
Paint Splats on ground made using Blenshapes

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